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Location: Bloomington, IN
​Size: 500,000 SF​

Charrette Sessions:

Evaluating Current Green

   Practices & Identifing

   Strengths, Weaknesses,

   Opportunities & Threats

Determining the

   applicability of seeking

   LEED-EB O&M certification

Design Charrette


Year Completed: 2007-2008


Project Info:

H+B served as lead facilitator for Indiana University’s Greening of the IMU (GIMU) Eco-Charrette in 2009. Indiana University Office of Sustainability (IUOS), organized the brainstorming event to formulate ways that Indiana Memorial Union (IMU) operations and maintenance might become more environmentally effective. Over a two-day period, a diverse group of participants from IU, the City of Bloomington, and beyond toured the IMU and reviewed sustainability initiatives at IU. The GIMU charrette was focused on the topic of sustainability. Particularly, participants looked at the feasibility and impact of certifying the facility under USGBC’s LEED-EB O&M Rating System.

Greening the Indiana University

Memorial Union Eco-Charrette

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